
[Autopilot Mode] - It's this time of the year. It feels like the right moment for me to step away from the virtual world for a couple of weeks. I couldn't get off the grid without a last Sunday Jam session tho.

Today's jam was actually really challenging to record. I had latency issue that I still haven't fixed yet... The Typhon decided to get out of sync here and there. I spent way too much time trying to fix the issue than jamming aha. The more gears the more troubles apparently. I wish you guys a wonderful summer. Please stay safe, take good care of each other and keep the creativity going. Hanging out in here gives me daily inspiration and drive.⁠

Looking forward to come back at you with more music and announcements.

I'll see you in 4 weeks.




cstl ~ is the solo project of a french native musician, composer and electronic music producer. Today based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Long sleepless nights and a certain vision of aesthetics brought this project to life with the idea to create a musical base throughout which cstl could play whatever he would feel like, without any boundaries. Mixing energy, melodies and samples to forge his own recognisable style. Through his music, cstl is sharing different feelings with only one philosophy: making music that is all together artistically, technically, and emotionally engaged in hopes of establishing connections with all interested people.




‘Pattern 006’ Feat. Adri Vinchira Out Now.